Christian Eriksen donates shoeboxes to charity and attends PE class at Man United’s partner school😍😍

In professional football, what a player does off the pitch is just as important as what he does on it. Christian, our favourite midfielder, has always stood out for being kind and dedicated to community service, as well as for his amazing skills on the pitch.

With the MU Foundation – Manchester United, Christian Eriksen goes to Old Trafford Primary School.

Christian Eriksen visits Old Trafford primary school with MU Foundation | Manchester United

Christian just got back from a visit to one of the partner schools of the Manchester United Foundation. As always, he made an impact. Besides helping with two tasks, he came to take part in a physical education class and hand out shoebox gifts.

It made the little kids’ hearts skip a beat when they saw Christian walk into school wearing his team’s shirt and shining with pride. He didn’t show up empty-handed; he had gifts from people who had given to our lunchbox campaign for kids.

The kids learnt from these careful gifts that football isn’t just about winning and losing; it’s also about showing kindness and love to others. The gifts made the kids happy and warm inside.

“Always classy, @ChrisEriksen8 ▏” was tweeted by Manchester United. Our midfielder recently went to a partner school of the MU Foundation to hand out sack gifts and take part in a PE class. 


%E2%80%9D alt=%E2%80%9DManchester United on X: "Always classy, @ChrisEriksen8 %EF%B8%8F Our midfielder recently visited an @MU_Foundation partner school to hand out gifts from our shoebox appeal and take part in a PE lesson #%E2%80%9D%20data-src=%E2%80%9D,%20when%20it%20comes%20to%20being%20a%20role%20model,%20having%20a%20positive%20influence%20and%20giving%20back%20to%20the%20community%20are%20just%20as%20important%20as%20what%20happens%20on%20the%20pitch.%20His%20acts%20serve%20as%20a%20reminder%20to%20all%20of%20us%20that%20traits%20other%20than%20physical%20ability%20can%20help%20to%20enhance%20a%20player%E2%80%99s%20legacy.%3C/p%3E%0A%3Cp%3E%3Cimg%20decoding=” async”=”” srcset=” 1080w,×300.jpg 240w,×1024.jpg 819w,×960.jpg 768w” alt=”” width=”1080″ height=”1350″ data-src=”” data-srcset=” 1080w,×300.jpg 240w,×1024.jpg 819w,×960.jpg 768w” data-sizes=”(max-width: 1080px) 100vw, 1080px” align=”center” style=”max-width: 100%; margin-bottom: 30px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; display: block;”>

We are lucky to have Christian on our team because he is not only good at sports but also works hard to make the world a better place. He showed me that stars are more than just players on the pitch when he went to the Manchester United Foundation partner school. Christian’s actions show how our company acts, and they inspire all of us.

Before Christmas, Christian Eriksen visited a junior school in Old Trafford without anyone knowing.

Christian Eriksen paid a surprise visit to an Old Trafford primary school just before Christmas | The Manc