Noble heart: Man Utd No. 1 goalkeeper Andre Onana organizes a free surgery campaign for African children with congenital heart disease

Andre Onana contributed a sum of money to his mother’s hometown in Mengueme. In 2019, he signed a £20,000-a-week salary deal with Ajax. Onana puts its money to good use by financing a power grid to provide electricity to the people of Essoessam.

The goalkeeper in 1996 helped the people of Menguene escape darkness and limit their dependence on kerosene lamps. This is not the only charitable donation of the Manchester United rookie.

In 2016, Onana established a personal foundation to help African children, providing them with a foundation for better education. The Man Utd star’s actions help many children access medical care and at the same time support victims affected by the terrorist attack.

Goalkeeper Andre Onana Organises Free Surgical Campaign For Children With Congenital Diseases - Welcome To Afriblinksblog

Onana’s success is due in part to former Barcelona star Samuel Eto’o. The Cameroon goalkeeper came to La Masia at the age of 14 and received the help of the Black Panther.

Sharing on OmaSportsTV, Onana expressed:

Thủ môn Andre Onana tổ chức chiến dịch phẫu thuật miễn phí cho trẻ em mắc bệnh bẩm sinh

“From the foundation that Eto’o has, I am very grateful for what he has done for me.”

Things did not go well for Onana in Catalan. In 2014, Barcelona was banned by FIFA for violating the rules of signing foreign young players.

This means that the development of young Barca players has stalled because they cannot play any official matches for 18 months.